2024 Roost Registration is now open!

Coast Guard Aviation Association

2024 Roost

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of HITRON
and over 60 years of Bering Sea ALPAT Excellence

Annual CGAA Conference and CG Aviation Awards Banquet

Conference Artwork by Ursa Prints. Prints for sale here.

Reserve Hotel Rooms

October 15-18, 2024

Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront

Jacksonville, Florida

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  1. NAVIGATE the event agenda and logistics, even without Wi-Fi or data.
  2.  NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meest by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages.
  3. PARTICIPATE in event activities through session likes. comments. ratings, live polling and more.
Get our official event app,
For Blackberry or Windows Phone, Click here
For feature details, visit Whova

2024 Sponsors

Diamond Tier



