2024 Roost Registration is now open!

Coast Guard Aviation Association

(Left to Right) RADM Chris Bartz - Ancient Albatross, Air Auxiliary Aircraft Commander Judy Redlawsk, Commodore David Starr, AMTCM Mark Liechenaur - Enlisted Ancient Albatross, Peter Troedsson - President CGAA

2023 CGAA Awards

CGAA Air Auxiliary Crewmember Award

Air Auxiliary Aircraft Commander/Flight Examiner Judy Redlawsk

Nomination Summary


“The Coast Guard Aviation Association annually presents the Commander David H Barlett & Commodore Lloyd T. Nichols Auxiliary Aviation Award of Excellence to an Air Auxiliary Crewmember who has demonstrated exceptional performance and enhanced the overall quality of Coast Guard Air Auxiliary Program.  This year’s recipient is Air Auxiliary Aircraft Commander/Flight Examiner Judy Redlawsk.


“Ms. REDLAWSK is cited for exceptional achievement and operational skill in her performance of duties as Auxiliary Aircraft Commander, District Flight Safety Officer and Branch Chief of Flight Safety from October 2022 to September 2023.  Demonstrating superior professional competence and commitment, Ms. REDLAWSK consistently performed above and beyond expectations to ensure her assigned aviation missions and projects were achieved with excellence and has made exceptional contributions to Coast Guard Aviation. During this time frame, demonstrating her commitment to the Auxiliary’s mission, Ms. REDLAWSK completed 100 sorties, totaling almost 500 mission hours of flight time in service to Coast Guard Aviation.  Ms. REDLAWSK has participated in maritime observation support missions, observing recreational and commercial boating, searching for environmental pollution, conducting search and rescue missions, and Rotary Wing Air Intercept training missions. Working closely with AIRSTA ATLANTIC CITY. Ms. Redlawsk has made major contributions in certifying and training Auxiliary Aviators and Aircrew. Her knowledge and 30,000 flight hours as a professional aviator have improved the quality of skill sets and the professionalism of the Auxiliary Aviation program. Additionally, as Branch Chief of Flight Safety for 6 years, she was instrumental in upgrades to training and professionalism of crews. Ms. REDLAWSK continually disseminates relevant Flight Safety topics to the Auxiliary, teaching 4 different courses. A majority of her time has been donated to Crew Resource Management training and she has been providing classes for over 12 years to Auxiliary aviators and crews throughout the nation.   She diligently works to enhance the Auxiliary Flight Safety Program. Ms. REDLAWSK’s dedication, judgment, perseverance, and devotion to duty are most heartily commended and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.”