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Coast Guard Aviation Association

HU-16E 7250 Restoration

AMTC Wil Green of CGAS Cape Cod headed up a team of volunteers who worked hundreds of off-duty hours to restore HU-16E 7250 to near-perfect original condition. The aircraft, retired from active service at the air station and placed on display in the 80s, had battled seasonal weather on Cape Cod for over 25 years. Remnants of a past hurricane had battered the aircraft and caused significant damage. The aircraft’s paint and insignia had weathered poorly, resulting in significant corrosion. Rodents, insects and other creatures had made their homes inside the fuselage. Chief Green supervised the removal of paint and corrosion in an environmentally-sound manner and set about replacing fabric control surfaces (like the rudder) with more durable sheet metal. Salvageable outdated avionics material was donated to the Coast Guard Heritage Museum in Barnstable. Damaged landing gear replacement parts were obtained from Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center (AMARC), Tucson, AZ and new tires were mounted. The aircraft was towed back to its place of honor at CGAS Cape Cod’s front entrance on Coast Guard Day 2012. CAPT Dave Throop, Commanding Officer of the air station, presided over the re-dedication ceremony of the aircraft on Coast Guard Day and Chief Green’s retirement from the Coast Guard on September 7th, 2012.”

HU-16E 7250 Restoration