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Coast Guard Aviation Association

Aviation Memorial


(adapted from the 23rd Psalm, by Victor Primeaux)

The Lord is my Pilot, I shall not stray off course or glide path.
He lighteth my way across dark waters;
He steereth me thru the stormy nights;
He keepeth my Flight Log;
He guideth me by His Star of Holiness for His Name’s sake.
Yea, though I fly midst the thunders, lightning, and turbulence of Urgent SAR,
I shall fear no danger, for Thou, O God, art with me.
Thou preparest a safe landing before me in your Homeland Security of Eternity.
Thou anointest the waves with oil, and my hoist saves those in distress.
Surely, sunlight and starlight shall favor me all the missions I fly,
And I will dwell securely in the hangar of my Lord forever.


Dedicated to the Aircrews Who Did Not Return

“I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself” Exodus 19:4

Coast Guard Combat Veterans Memorial

Viet Nam Vet

Dedicated to the Coast Guard Officers and Crews who Served in Viet Nam

Coast Guard Combat Veterans Site

Combat Vets